Sunday, 24 January 2010

Avatar- The Game review

Good evening bloggers!

Well here is my final chapter on the whole Avatar scene and i give you my low down of what i thought of the game, i hope you enjoy!

Well the Game is ermmm absolutely ... shite ! bollocks!!
I'm so angry, i really had a good feeling about this game!
My hopes were ruined by the first scene unfortunately, i haven't got time to waste playing all through this game nor the money either!!
Which is why I'm going to trade this game in!
Good move i think.
Well lets not get too harsh on my feelings towards this game, as believe it or not there are some good points(very small and little ones though)
So ill start with the good points and moan about the bad ones later on.
The game has good ideas but fails to produce them.
OK ,what am i on this game actually has no good points, Ive heard from some that the environments are pretty sweet.. i strongly disagree, as its one of the most packed full of trees and most awkward to move around in! Especially when the PS3 produces beautiful environments like the ones from uncharted.
The aiming is so dodgy it automactically moves you to aim the other way if you go to far with the analogue control. So basically its hard to look around you when there are so many enemies attacking and pouncing on you.
The graphics are of very poor quality even on my hd TV, it might as well of been a PS2 game. This annoys me about PlayStation 3 games they have quite a good engine and produce shitty games like avatar!
Also in the environment itself the enemies blend in with the trees, very bad choice of colour palette used, as the you can hardly see where the enemies are, which makes me think that's why they put a slow mo gizmo on it, so you can slow down the time; this will give you enough time to see where the enemies actually are. Driving through the environments are the worst you can drive over rocks and everything without any affect on the car!
As the film was so great i had really high expectations of the game but i was bitterly disappointed you don't even get to play through the actual storyline of the film, which is why i think this game went so wrong. It has little side missions you go on there are no main major missions at all.

So yeah sorry about me moaning on .. but i could do for so many other things, but ill cut it short here and i think you know no my thoughts about this game, i definitely wouldn't recommend buying it!

That's all from me until the next time, where ill be reviewing uncharted: drakes fortune. I'm also looking into creating my first video blog, so keep tracked bloggers!

Jake Fowell

Week 15-The Games Industry

Ive taken a look into the games industry, to see how the industry is doing, good or bad?
Definitely not bad at all, we must have millions of people with tones of imagination, which isn't surprising at all.

The industry is looking stronger than it was and is still growing stronger, quite quickly as well. You can tell as many top titles are creating the second story lines of the game and making it tones better than the first, although it will get to the stage where the game totally rocks and cannot be improved that much to bring out another.

There are vast amount of opportunities for employees to get into the industry as its welcoming to those who can produce the goods that the industry needs to stay alive.
As most people know the industry has been growing over time and it only seems to be getting better and better although employees are faced with many challenges, to produce new fresh ideas to keep up with technical advancements and many more.
This is why the industry strives towards employing new fresh creative people, so they can keep moving onwards and upwards, selling more games and gizmo's etc.

Although the industry is running smooth now, what about in the future, what if the world lacked potential employee's ? Or customers lost interest in games and kids started to take interest into something else, more modern than playing games indoors all day.

There are many ups and downs within the industry but however i beg to differ that interest would be lost, as like i said there are millions of people with creative talent.
Take films for example, there are new releases every month of a variety of genres, amazing film directors, actors and story writers who come up with ideas of all sorts.

So, my overall theory is the game industry will be challenged as time moves on but nothing to drastic that one human brain couldn't figure out. If there was something real drastic though, we have a lot of talented people in the World to put things back on track.

Jake Fowell

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Avatar 2d or 3d. Review

Hi bloggers, I'm back again. Late on this Sunday evening, just came from watching Avatar 3d with the misses, so i thought ill write a little review as its fresh in my mind.

What to say?
Is there much difference?

I would say not, very little difference both 2d and 3d versions are visually outstanding, just a different experiences.
There are not many bad points to make about the 3d version, but it does fail to please in some scenes in the film.
Basically, when there is action in the film it does have that 'wow factor', but that comes and goes through out the film, as in the 2d i would say it has that 'wow factor' all the way until the end of the film, due to visual qualities.
The 3d was fuzzy most of the time, the glasses didn't fit me or my misses and they kept falling off, also after 3 hours of watching it in 3d you start to get a major fuck off' headache!
Ive watched terminator in 3d on my holiday in America and it compares nothing to Avatar I'm afraid.
My girl friend however loved it, all the pretty little things coming out of the screen as i however preffered the action scenes! The difference between the action scenes 2d and 3d, were that in 3d you could see the main subject but a blurred background(so you can't see whats going on) where as in the 2d you can see everything, the attention is drawn to the whole screen.

Sorry to cut this short but I'm very tired and need to get to bed as lectures in the morning....

The big Question 2d or 3d??

Definitely 2d!!
More wow factor, you can see more and generally enjoy the film more, no annoying glasses or girlfriends saying aw that's so pretty ... ha ha.

That's enough from me bloggers good night!!

PS... look out for my review on the Avatar game!

Jake Fowell aka Jake sully ;)

Sunday, 10 January 2010

christmas vacation

Creativity one of the most adored talents by a great popularity of industrys this is including from art and design to dance or music; it can be shown a vast amount of ways.
Some people have alot of creativity this is often due to imagination/dream land as i call it, all thoughts in the head which lead to design success. Creativity is the most common popular asset of a human being its just shown in different ways, whether its with your hands or feet.

It looks like... erm... well ... kind of like some ones actually thought about what there doing, what they see in their head, there vision and produced it well, through their personal skill; this could be a drawing,painting,music video, game etc the list goes on. So, no there isnt a certain view/id name to what creativity looks like, as said before it can be produced in so many ways.

Who 'does' creativity?
erm... me!
Everyone does creativity in some shape or form, the art director, writers,dancers even footballers can be creative! Its a natural aspect of the human, some people develop it more than others but i would say thats just their personal life path which produces their own final outcome of creativity. Some people feel happy when being creative others don't, but all share creativity whether its a big part on their life or not.

They include a huge amount of creativity from all different areas from the writer to the designer, a big creative team full of talent and ideas. You can tell how much creative ideas have gone into a game when playing it, looking at the characters or the environments its all bin done using the imagination and creativity.
