Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Week 11 Game play
Game play!!
The most important aspect of a game to make you enjoy, playing through amazing environments, as your favourite character in the story which is so intense?
It really has its ups and downs in every single game. No game has no faults with its game play their is always something, it also depends in the person who is playing.
Game play today also in the past has often been miss judged as there has not bin enough time or reference made to the actual action, movement of the character. It hasn't bin linked well with actual reality. However this doesn't matter to those games that are non-fiction made up.
Games like call of duty was meant to be based on humans today and reality yet you can jump out of a window, survive and keep running! Or another major example would be when the soldier has bin shot down, if not shot within 2 minutes, you get back up again! Obviously that wouldn't happen in real life.
This game though is very good on reality based movement of the character your controlling through the environments, the aiming of the gun through the scope etc especially on the campaign. Yet there are still faults it is very difficult for a game to succeed 100% on reality as obviously its hard to take reference material in some situations meant for the game.
There are two major games that i personally like the game play its mixed with reality plus non-fiction which are Dark sector, where the character Carry's a heavy glade with a mutated arm. Also Red faction, i think the game play is so smooth. Both characters from both games move in a similar way also the aiming as well. Although these games also have there faults, whether in the campaign or multi-player experience.
The game play is how you as a person play through the game and experience different actions or ability's of the certain character, the way they move through different types of environments, like water, hills , ice etc.
Most game play today has a set of rules to obey within a game itself. some games enable you to go any where in a set environment(free roam) others play through chapters, with different options in the story.
I know that game play is the most important aspect of a game as you could have amazing graphics in an environment but whats that with shit game play? Nothing!
I wouldn't mind playing a game with half descent graphics, if it had amazing game play! If it had both, however that would make a truly awesome game.
Ive discovered that every aspect of a game is important to make the most of that game/idea/creation! Every aspect from story to game play , there all important roles to play.
Jake Fowell
Week 10 story and character
Personally i don't read books as i seem never to get into one, as film or games attract me more, i would rather watch and interact visually.
Ive recently just seen avatar in the cinema, the Story was fantastic, i never looked away from the screen. I was emotionally attached to this film, the techniques used were greatly planned and worked really well. The way the story convinced you, that you, yourself were in 'Jake Sully's' shoes playing this main character, the way the story made you think? what if? what if theirs a World, that exsits like this in space, or hidden some where? How would life be?
Before Avatar was released i liked characters like hitman or just general characters from black hawk down. Its all about the acting of those character to make it believable that if some thing so real happened like that to the world today, its making the story convincing enough to make the audience react in a certain way.
Also the look of the character, dress wise and there personality, creates a major role through books, films and games. Ive noticed and realised that i like a film, when i see the characters go through different emotional stages, when they show anger, sadness, bravery just basically how normal people would react in life itself.
I love black hawk down, the story was based on a true story, which showed how down to earth it was. How maybe soldiers today would fight and go through stages of emotions, determination and commitment. This is why i think call of duty has a great story line its not just army people shooting against each other, i see it as if i personally was in that situation at the time, however if kids played it, which they shouldn't because of the age rating, they would just see it as a cool, fun shooting game and don't understand its story or meaning.
Overall i think that both character and story play a huge amount of satisfaction to the gamer/audience, which will keep people buying games, however there is a vast amount of market increase to be made on a variety of audiences young,old,GIRLS and boys! It needs to be more organised to see its full potential and largely increase sales to the population of the 21st century.
Jake Fowell
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Avatar Film review
Truly, visually outstanding its my second favourite film this year as i think transformers was the best has a bit more action and more of a manly film to watch but that's my personal taste.
The film was three hours long, it didn't drag one bit though, your attention is just hooked on the screen and the amazing detail,effort gone into the environment, also the characters.
The storyline, what can i say?
At points its confusing, but runs through pretty smoothly, also has very creative ideas making a great story, which makes a great film.
The main character 'Jake Sully' known as 'Sam worthington' plays the main role and plays it very well indeed, his acting gives the film that reality edge that it definitely needs.
All the actors play there roles greatly but however i do not like the typical, macho army character(forgot his name at this moment) but the acting is just so over the top, and the design of him to is actually so wrong, his head is too small for his body, also the form of his body is misjudged, wrong basically!That was the obvious mistake visually that i seen through out the film.
There are some clips that waste time, boring and pointless and their other clips that you want to see what happened and more of, it skips forward quite a lot, which is a downside of this film. For example 'Jake sully' comes to capture a massive sacred, flying dragon bird thing and you don't get to actually see him capture it as he struggled to capture a smaller one, so i would of liked to have seen that, but it skipped forward and the screen went black.
This film overall is truly a worthwhile watch and i cannot wait until i see it in 3d. Its visually amazing and links well with both worlds to the visual aspects, to actual reality. Great creativity shown, great characters(except one), amazing creatures,robots and very cool environments.
I hope you liked reading this review was done very quick though, as i have work in five Min's,great!
Cannot wait to play the game on xbox and review that also will review the 3d version, so keep reading bloggers.
visual effects- 9/10
Character designs-9/10
Overall- 9/10
Jake Fowell
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Game Technology-week 9
Only now designers consider new designs like the xbox 360/wii/ps3 all sleek different designs, for me this is a good thing improving how the console looks, as there are improvements in games themselves, why not improve the console!?
As design moves on, there has bin talks about ideas that don't consist of the original joystick controller that's bin improved over the years, but of using your own hands to control a character throughout a game.
However the wii controllers still have a joystick function and its mixed with the design for a motion controller. In my opinion the joystick controller will always be a part of the gaming World and used with many consoles too come, maybe in new weird fantasy designs but they will all carry an aspect of the joystick.
On the other hand, say in 10/15 years time there maybe a change to the way you control a game using just your bare hands, it will change the experience abit but surely they would create a joystick to go along side with it, as most probably gamers will find it rather annoying to scroll through menus, writing etc.
The Ps3 is a great sleek design compared to the ps2, there has been vast improvement, which it all comes down to how the industry and every aspect is gradually moving on! Don't get stuck in the past! For me personally i would rather have a sleek ps3 in my stylish modern house than a 'brown box' just sitting there would look totally odd!
I prefer the xbox 360 design, yes its based on a box/cube design a big rectangle, but its been tweaked polished nice and white instead of the black plastic, nice flashing lights apart from the red ring of death of course! Then Microsoft brought out the elite, hmmm.... mistake? no! Just typically some people might prefer the black version to match there black slim plasma on the wall.
I like some aspects of the ps3, like how you put the CD in and it eats it, the blue lights but the whole thing just looks like a chunk of burnt plastic its horrible! I think Sony got carried away with the design and try to rush movement, I'm sure after many reviews of it there next console will be way better no doubt. Considering they had to fit a blu-ray player on the ps3 i think they have done quite well and i cant wait to see Microsoft's attempt on there next console.
Moving on now to the controllers, cough!! Sony! what are you thinking?
Ive looked at the next gen ideas and the original concepts for the ps3 controllers, fucking weird if you ask me! Alien shaped, horrible, disgusting! I would rather hold a dead rat with the joysticks coming out of its ears than that! Ok a bit too drastic but yeah generally designers need to know when to stop or else we will end up with a lot of ugly looking consoles around.
For me, the best console looking wise is the xbox 360 simple, nicely polished original design love the controllers too such an improvement from the brick like of the original xbox. The easiest console Ive used is the ps1, pop the game in get started straight off.
The ps3 and also the xbox 360 have a dashboard function which is cool and still simple to use so it don't really bother me on how easy a console works as long as it plays the game, with added awesome functions is even better in my opinion.
Jake Fowell
Thursday, 3 December 2009
story telling-week 8
Ive played a variety of games some with no storyline really what so ever like red faction, this is a downfall, playing COD however is awesome it tells you the history where and why you are going to fight, explains the missions accurately, clearly as if you are playing the character you are controlling.
Most games recently have fairly good story lines and they usually express this with cut scenes in between chapters or a following voice as your playing through the game, reading subtitles as well.
However having a gaming experience myself i think that some story lines tend to drag on and chat a load of crap! which makes me skip them and pay no interest into the storyline and to just play the game.
I prefer story lines that are true or based on true stories, or that are reality based not just made up, i think those type of story lines make the player want to play more and gives them interest in the game more.
If I'm playing a game i like to think I'm the character playing through the story and its all happening to me, which is great! However you can get games that have multi story lines and you choose what will happen, like fallout for instance, personally i hate this game, its long, drags a lot and not enough fighting action for me, but this game has a great multi storyline as said by a few of my friends, but i have no patience to play the game to find out what happens! Its similar to mass effect, which also has different endings but the storyline is fantasised and made up which for me is pointless to play a long dragging game to find out the ending that isn't true!
I personally think a stronger storyline that is true or based on true story's works well for a game, i like playing games taken from movies that Ive watched like wolverine one that realised two months ago, i loved it having watched the movie and then playing the game after was truly an awesome experience, i also love hit man one of my favourite films, however i didn't really like how the game was and how it played as in shooting wise and slower movement plus the graphics were terrible, arcade quality!
Jake Fowell
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
The Art Director-week 7
The Art director is an important role to play,they create or develop parts of an art drawing or object. They are great at using there vision skills as they play an important role to what a game looks like and how its appearance will effect the target audience. The design has to communicate visually, to stimulate moods, contrasts and little tiny features. The Art director makes quick important decisions about the visual elements used for example the style used, also when to use motion.
I think the Art director is a creative role as they have to deal with problems, to translate moods, messages, concept designs and ideas that are not developed well enough to imagery. They use there imagination to decide on what the final outcome of the scene piece might look like.
There isn't much difference in the role of a film director as both roles play a part in important imaginary vital decisions. You would have to be a very good judge visually and mentally. The film director has to budget and schedule very well.
Overall, i do think the Art director is a creative, also important role to play in the games industry they have many skills that others don't, they are rare talented people who express there own imaginary designs and how they effect others. Take COD modern warfare for example visually shooting innocent people, in my opinion is sick and disturbs some audiences but not all as some teenagers thinks its cool, but yet its so wrong but links with reality really well as if you was in that situation playing as a Russian terrorist.
If i wanted to personally become an Art Director in the near future, i would have to improve my visual design, my reviewing of ideas and to judge concepts made by other designers. Personally, i think i could make a great Art director as i can see mistakes or improvements in designers work although i struggle to look back at my own work and to visually improve it! Which yes makes no sense at all!
A game/concept/design is made then the Art Director has an important role to improve the work, which will end up on sale, whether the art director is right the sales will be high. They can also judge designers work for advertisement which may improve sales. Posters,models game case etc are all judged by the Art director.
Written review-Red Faction Gurilla
A team called EDF have took over Mars and control anything that happens and dont treat normal civilians with respect so over the years the civilains started to make weopons, and vechiles out of scratch with peices of scrap fount laying around.
The storyline is pretty simple and weird its not really planned out well at all. So they make a team named red faction and start fighting off the edf to control mars and make it a peacful place.
The colour pallete used within the environment are browns with added red in places and even abit of snow about. The actual environment is pretty impressive though nice mountains and sky, however there is no change between day and night everytime i seem to play the game its day time and rarely night.
However the buildings,houses made are pretty dam cool and the way you can smash through any building you want and fight the edf with rumble surrouding you.
I like the gameplay and the way the charcter moves throughout the game and how the aiming is so accurate with different scopes for different weopons. The way the character you can control, having him sneak round a corner and wack an EDF troop round the head is wicked,
There are so many annoying things about the campaing like the slow driving around a massive planet; your meant to do a time race mission where you carry a bomb to one point to another its stupid,frustrating!
The main missions are really cool this is why i played the campaign beacuse i just wanted to find out what happens next, the side missions are very much the opposite just really annoying pointless missions, that repeat themselves. There are destruction missions which are pretty cool but it dont take a rocket scienctist to work them out. Theres ones where you have to go and rescue two red faction members from edf capture its a really good idea but not when you have just alec mason fighting off 50 edf with tanks and amazing weaopons, you end up running out of ammo, even the odd red faction member will come and help you, but do they help !? no!! They get killed within two seconds, which raises my polint about making it an online multi player game on campaign!
I still play this game today as personally i think its the best multi palyer game! I know thats a massive thing to say as there are alot of great titles out there with amazing multi-player but i enjoy this the most! It doesnt stress me out one bit! The aiming the way you run crouch is all so smooth and nice! It Can be fun smashing your way through buildings killing the opposing team. This game can be very intense too, ive had games with only one point in it, you can hide set up parameters with each team mate and actually dominate the apposing team who run in like lost chickens waiting to be killed.
I love the idea of different back packs to make your weapon stronger or to fly ontop of buildings and jump down on your enemy, im going to describe each back pack and what it does just to have an insight on how clever you have to be on the multi-player fights,.
> Fire power- makes your bullets twice as strong and deadly, awesome for long distance fire fights.
Concussion-knocks a close enemy onto the floor
Rhino-charges through walls also knocking enemy's down
stealth-invisible for a certain time period
Jet pack- makes you go high into the buildings/mountains, shoot from above!
Thrust-fly up through ceilings to the roof also downwards thrust knocks enemy down
vision- See enemy's through walls mountains up high or low
All of these back packs cancel each other out in one way or the other, so the game play really depends on where you are, what time and place, also what weapon you are carrying!
I like most of the weapons on this game but there are your typical noob weapons like the rocket launcher , thermal rocket launcher and the electrical wave weapon( the most pointless weapon ever!
There is a lot of variety in the multi player spawning with random weapons, one n one fights, team tactical modes as well!
Overall i think this game has a lot of potential of its ideas to make a pretty awesome game and could be selling as well as gow/cod in the charts. If you love multi-player warfare games that actually take a bit of thinking to what you do and can be fun to play then this is definitely the game for you!
My personal rating is 8/10 overall rating considering the whole gaming industry 4/10 because of the boring,frustrating campaign!
Jake Fowell
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Game Design-week 6
In my opinion you can as there are some simple pop Art work been done in the past and i could see pac mans' basic illustration drawings I'm sure they would be placed in a gallery.
The industry is too young therefore we can't dismiss games all together as art but they can be only ambition on the great potential. I think that games as art will happen and pieces will be shown in Art form in gallery's, i don't see why not as the whole game design leeks to the intense creativity of ideas.
I agree with a game seen as an Art form because it does present motion images to produce the audience with different emotions and reactions to the game, this is similar to when an audience enters an Art gallery and looks at a piece of Van Goghs work for instance, the mind will produce a variety of emotions, reactions to that piece whether positive or negative.
I also agree with the fact, we as game Artists have a more important jobs than an normal Artists has, as we have to create, design a game that will have the audience happy, sad, excited and go through an emotional experience within a game. Games can produce so much more than a piece of paintwork, which basically has an audience say whether or not they like it.
On the other side i must admit there is amazing Artists work out there shown in gallery's which do show there own personal emotions through life experiences, so they want to capture the moment, yet for me i think the Game Artists have a more important responsibility of constant creativity, showing the importance of audiences reactions.
However, most games are not seen as Art form today because the whole industry is in the hands of technologists not Artists themselves which I'm my opinion is hiding the true art of a game Artists. For me i would create a game using ones mind taking references of real life and producing creative designs, but this would be hidden in the game industry as the technologists take your artwork and make it run in an engine game but still they would have to look at the audiences reactions of the character for example.
A Game itself is created for different audiences as a kid would like a simple action game because there mind is still young yet an old person has experienced more so they would like to complicate things for more of a challenge.
The Game industry is a long way off creating a game based on Art itself as it probably will never compare to a piece of Picasso's work or a high standard theatre play set.
In researching all documents based on Games Design i have come to a conspiracy that the actual game drawings work on traditional art materials like paper, cardboard will never be shown as real Art as its not the same as an Artist who would produce a piece of work and spend hours adjusting faults, or it will take a long while until it reaches Art form.
Jake Fowell
Friday, 6 November 2009
Game Reviews
I have looked at many links and bascially the story is the games dont really get properly reviewed and there are faulse accusations laid throughout the gaming industry!
Basically most realesed magazines have a deadline to where they have to meet! This don't give enough time to actually review the whole game so really they just make points either true or false.
Personally i dont read reviews of games as i think there just complete and utter Bull****. If i was a game reviwer i would look at both the bad and good points which i would give my true opinion! Not to be big headed but i think i would be an awesome reviewer if i had time to play the whole game for at least a month then basically say what i like/dislike about the game. However, there is not enough time to produce a honest view making 100% true statements about the game.
I think a game review is very important and how it ranks in the industry to proudce vast amounts of sale! Yes, i would say ratings from magazines do influence people to buy the game or not, but for me and propberly many others we try the game out like on a demo then buy the game. Many others though, teens roughly 14-16 i would say game reviews have an influence on them as ive been through it myself, reading magazines and thinking this game looks the shizz but when i actually played it was awful . To be perfectly honest it all comes down to personal opinion and past gaming experiences.
New games journalism, to be quite frank' i dont really care. If you are a gamer you decide whether you like the game or not! Not no one else! I think the game reviewers should really take pride and time to write an honest review on a game and as for the sales i think would vastly increase.
There are many forms of game writing found, some of those for popular gaming magazines is the most obvious one, there are also sites where a group of people can discuss the ups and downs of a game in a chat room or blog post. There are people who write reviews on games on yahoo from a variety of ages, one i looked at was only 12 and talking about need for speed yet had very could points, and the gaming industry could take into account.
My own writing on a review is both objectively and subjectively, i feel i write about the game as a whole not more bad points then good points. Also yet to be respectful of the gaming industry and the time taken to create the game. Im fair and honest when writing a review and if i wanted to make a fact i would research it and provide evidence to support it.
Jake fowell
Monday, 2 November 2009
2000's-the future!
Most games today have a major focus on graphics as tvs sell more today with hd ready, or hdmi outports. The question is how realistic will games become?
When does the devlopment stop, or will it?
As Game developers have spent so much time into the gameplay and graphics the designs are moving on to how you play the game, as motion comes into role with the nintendo wii, however microsoft are looking at creating a totally different way to play a game using just your hands with a pin point camera placed on top of your tv which in my opinion its like the 'itoy'. Although the itoy played basic arcade type games, where as microsoft are creating high definition action/shooting/adventure games.
Personally i think microsoft are the best developers of the gaming world as sony lack games and are concentrating on players like the blu-ray, but i do not like where the game play design is going as i would prefer to chill back, have a beer play on my normal xbox controller rather than stand up and wave my arms about! Extra work and excersise if you ask me!
All these new ideas and creations will have the public buying, however will they like it?
I think not! For me a game is a challenge, that brings excitement, adrenaline rush with cutting edge graphics that i can sit and play with friends either online or in real life!
Where does the point stop? i mean people that play and socialise online in a world that aint real to me .. i say get a life!! Life isnt something you play through a TV screen is it? why waste your time chatting online when you could meet new interesting and exciting in the real World!
Development in games will always happen for me it will never stop, improvement is always an option.
I know, im excited about the gaming future as there will be alot to look forward too!
I mean there creating a program that you can learn to drive on!! wow! imagine that with high definition graphics and that you could take your driving lesson in a lab rather than in real life for me thats mint! This obviuosly has its down falls as you would have to face real life in traffic which most probably be diffrent to an online program?
I think .. well .. the future is bright the future is orange!!
Gaming will develop and i cannot wait for the future it holds!
Jake Fowell
Thursday, 15 October 2009
1980's-1990's Gaming History
Up to 1985 gaming was revived with Nintendo's release of its 8 bit console, which was very successful as it bundled in"super Mario bros", which is not surprising, how popular it was.
This console dominated the market until the 1990's when more advanced consoles came about using a controller was now much more efficient then using joysticks and key boards for example. Also the controller consisted of a 8 direction button known as the D-pad with 2 action buttons, which is pretty simple compared to the standard xbox or PlayStation controllers today.
In 1986, the legend of Zelda made its debut and in the same year Dragon quest series hit the market. Another year forward a Japanese company was struggling named "square" but came up with the rpg, final fantasy which released a whole series and saved the company as it was really successful. Shortly afterwards released metal Gears Solid series on the msx2.
All this history in games is starting to make me think about my own gaming experiences and how similar certain games that had me playing for ages. Shoot ups kept me glued to my TV screen as i used to play metal gears solid and loved it back then. Most recently two games have bin taking up hours of time both shoot ups and i love both of the games for different reasons.
Gears of War 2!
yes, what a surprise!?
Well the multi player has me going competing against players all over the World!
Also killing all sorts of monsters on the campaign plus horde is worth it, the graphics are totally awesome, it sends an adrenaline rush once i sniper some ones head,ouch!
However i enjoyed Gears of war 1 better than 2 as it was more fun, quick and more stealthy.
Moving on before i write my whole essay on "Gears of war" which i could talk about for hours!
Red Faction! The most intense multi player i have ever played its generally team based games, survival is the key. Its also very clever in my opinion with different bag packs and weapons this game will definitely have you on the edge of your seat! I played this for ages and still do as I'm very good at it and i find if i ain't good at a game i wont play it as much, which i think is the same for every one.
The first ever game i played was a wrestling game, royal rumble. Which was a PlayStation game and this also as a young kid had me on it for hours and now i think back i don't know why!
Writing this, made things make more sense on how the industry has kept on the same lines but just advancing things every year for example graphics controls etc. Metal gears solid has its similarities to games today like red faction and gears of war, which is why i still love gaming!
Jake fowell
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Games History 1950's-1970's
Firstly i would like to speak about how one of the first games of the 50's came about. In 1958 Willy Higinbotham created a Game only using an oscilloscope and a analogue computer it also consisted of the first controller with only a button, plus a knob. It was the first ever game to consist of a gravity ball and moving parts. Unfortunately it was dismantled in 1959 and then moments on a few students came together and created a game named 'space war' which became the most popular game of its time, with very basic colours of line creating a fire work atmosphere. Then a Game named 'chase' was created on a first television screen also a gun was created for the shoot up games. All three of these games were very basic play and one tone colours used which is not really surprising as games today have moved on.
In 1971, the North American public had their first taste of a video games as a new release named "computer space". For most, it was also a first taste of an inaccessible video game. They walked away confused and did not come back!
So what went wrong?
Well, for those new to video games (i.e. everyone) the point of the game was a bit of a mystery, the graphics were messy and the controls were hard to figure. In short, it was not much fun. Computer Space bombed, sadly to say.
Overall looking through this time period i see what a huge difference to the way design and technology has come forward today. Looking at the basic controls and the way the play and graphics are, make me cringe as i cannot believe people used to have fun playing those games.
Jake Fowell