Monday, 15 February 2010

Game culture, week 16

Game culture can come across in a variety of ways, either religious or political as most people may know of different cultures spread around the World. It's not made up or imaginary, its made upon peoples beliefs and feelings.

There are millions of gamers in the World; mixed cultures will play a variety of games for the 'thrill factor'. Personally I play a game for the action, graphics and game play others will seek different aspects of gaming, like strategy for instance.
Its been know for a person the play a game religiously every day without fail because the game supports there own strong beliefs, I think that's totally crazy to be honest, but that's there own culture.

When a game is made upon beliefs and culture take, assassins creed for instance , it could offend there culture, personal beliefs so they have to be very careful on what they put in the actual game.

I have no gaming cultures that i am apart of, like a year back I used to play gears of war, very seriously, entering tournaments, we were like the fourth clan in Europe, I enjoy real tense gaming not ones where you just run around and press the trigger crazily :/ like call of duty for example, its not tense one bit for me, its just a cool, fun shoot up game.

I have friends that I know through x box live, as met through clan matches. Our techniques, strategy in the game linked well, so we made a sweet ass team.Though i never had the chance to meet these people in real life until the day come, where we were entered into a Gears of War tournament in London and i finally got to meet these people i was playing and speaking to for at least 8 months, 5 hours per day minimum. They were nothing like me, one bit , if I was in the outside world I wouldn't consider to mingle with these people, which was crazy but we actually all got along pretty well, not matter what we dressed like, we made an awesome team too and came second in the rankings.

So it does come to show at events like the one I attended that you can meet awesome people through online gaming no matter your beliefs or culture, however I don't agree to meeting up with random people that you have only spent like two weeks speaking to as that person could be crazy.

Jake Fowell

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