Monday, 5 April 2010

Game Engine week 17

The game engine consists of certain modifiers to produce development in design and compacts a variety of tools to which the game Artist will find useful, when expressing his or hers ideas to detail.

Whatever make the engine is doesn't matter as long as its reliable and flexible to the artists around it, although it does however have to be a good engine to run in the competitive industry.

A game engine runs and supports different rendering designs created on software such as 3ds max. There are a variety of engines out there, as I have found out we use the unreal Engine on this course, which sounds fun to use. A game engine is like a language, which game developers use to write programs over, but it’s not limited to certain aspects like audio, rendering or graphics. So basically the game engine is a standard platform that developers write a game on top of, but the overall core is the same. Game engines use up a LOT of money, and the rights are distributed by the companies, which allow a certain budget to be spent.

An additive environment consists of empty space, which is usually named the void, it’s endless. So for example when a designer would want to create a room in the void, they would have to seal it off. Most design concepts within the environment are created using hollow boxes, for the sky, terrain etc. The void and the world should always be separate, sealed everywhere so the void doesn't leak in, known as a whole in the world.

A subtractive environment is the total opposite to additive. In a subtractive environment there is no void, so designers need to subtract bits from the infinite solid, to create worlds. Using the subtractive mode eliminates the issue of leaks, however most designers like to use the addictive environment as its easier to manipulate.

The next-gen game engines have issues because the software used has not been updated therefor it doesn't work so well together causing many errors which cause game engine breakdowns. Recently several next-gen game engines have been released, they have many advancements for the latest techniques, in computer graphics. These engines hold a lot of promise for the future of simulation and also the training industry. However many simulations are currently built in the previous gen, this causes most common faults.

Buying into proprietary technology has its ups and downs. Its advantages consist of further experimentation to improve engines and software, to keep the competitive market flowing, however this has more disadvantages as it costs money, developers will have to learn new technology skills therefor this is a major risk.

Jake Fowell

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